Aloha Blogger

via: HNL|HI.

I created this place with the huge inspiration I picked up from His shit influenced me to start my own shit and fill it with shit that interest me....which is everything/anything/allthings Infiniti G20 and Nissan Primera. Not a lot of people know about Nissans P-chassis, so I decided to make an awareness site. Throw in my hobbies, interests, other slammed cars, ladies, good music and just like that BUMBAIYOULEARN. Why the title? What does it mean? Well, I've dealt with a lot of people who arent too familiar with G20's..they think its just a luxury version of a Nissan Sentras..I laugh and tell them 'bumbai you learn'..which means "to learn later" in local Hawaiian slang.


  1. Hey yo,

    i'm from germany, and looking weekly to your blog. i am a p10/p11 fanatic, even like you. got my own p11 gt in same colour like your favourite one.



    1. Thanks for the support Dom! You drive the gun metal P11 or the green P10..or both? Hah! Anyway how'd you find this blog??

    2. gunmetal p11 gt (with wip VE n1 swap) is my actual daily and the green p10 is my ex daily ;)

    3. nice. really dig the GT. the p10 was sick too. what kind of wheels were those? the six spokes.

    4. The wheels of the P10 are OZ Saturn in i think 8.5x16. i'm so proud now that you put all BOTH cars on your blog :) my 2 prims between all those awesome other primeras, wow. thank you.

      are you registered anywhere else? perhaps forum or something?

  2. searched for a p11 picture on google and was linked to your blog. what a nice work. are u on fb 2?

  3. Anonymous5/21/2012

    Your blog is soft. You need a link up there brother.

  4. Nice collections of primera's! I had a black gt, im on g20 as well
    Mr.zap76 if you search for a primera on google you will see my old black on white rims ;)

  5. i want to send yo pics of my car its a p11 black, would be cool to see my car on your blog... hope you get this

  6. I want to send Pic's of my P11...Im Always checkin you blog spot and hearing the music, It would be Mad coo to my car on your blog to.

  7. Hey Man, Love the G20! Ive been trying to find the owner.. And well here you are haha but i wanted to know if you would be down to support an Orlando Florida based car crew were called Scrapin Daily and would really love to have you rep our stickers and stuff! You could check us out on instagram our page is called Scrapin_Daily and also our website We would love to maybe mail you some stickers for you to throw on your ride! Soo hit us up! Thank you for your time!
    Scrapin Daily

    1. Whats up Ross. Thanks for the support and love man! Do you have an email that I can hit you up with? We can continue on from there.


    2. Hay so good to hear from u ... My email is

  8. Yo Kal,
    I'm always on the blog looking at how Primeras are done all over the world, its great. This is my email -
    I want to send you a pic of my P11 so maybe you could show how we do it in the Caribbean. I'm from Trinidad W.I.

    Peace man.

    1. whats up Malone. Email on its way brotha.

  9. beautiful car and love the blog i check at least 3 times a week...... i have a 99 g20 ( think same color as yours / bronze) and was wondering what sway bar you recommend and where do i buy? the web has nothing but dead links......

  10. i guess what i originally wrote was deleted or i dont know?........ what up kid i love the primera.... i have a 99 g20 i believe to be the same color like a bronze ( so far upgraded 10.2mm wires delso iridium plugs secret weapon intake obx headers magnaflow highflow cat and muffler 2.25 stainless and a volt stabilizer sitting on 17 roh rims) ....... either way love the blog and i check it all the time but i wanted to ask you if you recomend a front strut bar and also if you knew where to purchase since every link i find on the web is a dead link

    1. Whats up Eric. Sadly yes a well built strut bar is hard to come by for our cars. I was fortunate enough to find a website that still had one brand new Cusco fstb lying around in their stock. You should try or some other SR20 forum like the Dash. I would recommend a Carbing bar but they're rare and expensive, Also try RPM Garage and hit up Keith. I think he had an OEM Nissan bar for sale. Thanks for the support. Buy a sticker why don't you!

      Good luck finding a bar.


  11. Thx for your stickers and this extra text inside of the letter. In future i will send you a few pics of my p-chassis with the new sticker applied and if its lowered a bit hehe

    Greetz from Germany

    1. Hey glad to hear that they made it! For sure man cant wait to see what my viewers got!

