Savag Swag

Buckeyes Fiiinesss

Do Work


Back To The Fucked Up Schedule

Im tired as hell. Mon-Thr SCHOOL, Thr-Sun WORK. Ffffffawc no day offs! Will try my best to keep theis blog fresh on a daily. Anyway first week of school played out okay. Second year of auto body pretty much concentrates on vehicle structure, integrity, and refinishing of the body. There will be noooo painting. BoooOoOOoooO:[ I am determined to finish this program like a coming to class on time and not falling asleep during lecture and turning in all assignments and projects before its due date. LOL. Because I had trouble meeting those tasks last year.
CF welding helmet wuttt?

Garage Kept



She isnt local buttt she isnt worth not sharing either. Thought Id help Leesuh out because she entered Karmaloops model search contest. I do 98%of my shopping online and most of my shopping is done at Karmaloop. Anyway right now Leesuh could use some help with bumpin up her votes. If you got a Facebook you can do it here. BUMBAIYOULEARN supports LeesuhLinh brah!

Real Lifed It

Finale: Cactus Green P11

Euro inspired. Lowly desired. Cacti attired. BBS rewired, rehired and unretired. Man I aint tired. I dig the passanger side mirror delete, SE bumpers, restored BBS' and the black trimmings..flows really well I say. The non tinted windows, wing delete, stock headlights and grille looks really good. Something stateside peaps do to their P11 a lot is opting to JDM dual headlamps and ditchin the chrome grille, but not this guy. Gnet member McKinney brah lookin cherrehhh! Sad that youre letting it go but glws.


Lifes Great

Instant Gentleman

PCMs White Gold

Limón Pepinó Lover

Young Blood


Get Low

Holy Shit

Mad rebelious..


These guys came a long way since my first time finding out about them(The vid where UncoSame gets jacked at a gas station.) At first I thought these guys were from HI considering how we like to impersonate other ethnicities..but naw. Nuff said watch all their videos!

This one too.


Summer vaca is almost over. Fawkkk!


Alley Cat

VW Appreciation

Eye Yearn Lack

Tickle Me Pink

Anyone remember that crayon? No..ok..

Make It An Official Holiday Plz


UK Ends

Lifes A Beach

Textured light


Tailored Seattle

Picked up from StanceWorks.

from MKippen Photography on Vimeo

west sIIde vibes

Just copped my hard copy of Dom Kennedys 'From The West SIIde, With Love.' Dont sleep on it! Get your hard copy here or download the tracks on iTunes. Visit DopeItsDom to stay up to date on his whereabouts if youre already a fan. Dont download the album for free support the artist. Pay your dues~

Manifest Destiny

Black Mouth